Healthy Schools
Hub News October 22

On the Hub this month – Time to get outside!

Health Breaks Monthly Themes
October 22 - Step Up!

The last term of 2022! With enough warm, sunny days brightening our world, it’s time to move outdoors and breathe in the fresh and fragrant air.

We are conducting Step Challenges across the nation this month. Here is the Challenge we are setting for you and your students for 30 days:

  1. Aim for 10,000 steps a day (or at least over 5,000)!
  2. Drink 8 glasses of water (or 2 full water bottles)
  3. Eat vegetables and/or fruit at every meal (aim for 5 serves of veg and 2 of fruit)
  4. Aim for 8 hours of sleep a night and no less than 6 hours.
  5. If you are an active sports participant or you attend the gym or Pilates, you can claim 3,000 steps for each 30 mins of moderate exercise or 5,000 steps for high intensity exercise (the type where you are running for most of the time).
  6. Complete a stretch or a breather break each day.
If you conquer this Challenge, you will be in tip-top shape for Summer!
Keep a tally of your points!

Express Tension Relief

Full Body Stretch

It's time to get ready to Step it Up for Spring - For Teachers and Support Staff

Get ready for Spring with your very own Employee Step Challenge and role-model healthy behaviour to your students. Now is the time to talk to your wellbeing coordinator and organise your teams and start preparing for a fun-filled Spring. There is nothing better than a bit of friendly competition to heat things up in the workplace. This fully-inclusive challenge allows participants to walk, run, cycle, stretch, do yoga, pliates, any form of movement to earn step points. Health Breaks app adds fun activities, group mini-challenges and inspiration to help you to achieve your best in health and wllbeing – ready for the Summer!

To register, ask your school representative and Health Breaks will help you step by step to create the best and most Step Challenge for your teaching and support staff.

Repeating daily habits:

A Health Break a day is a small investment in positive long-lasting energy.

Set your time and commit – it’s that simple!

This month's health promotion theme - walk, walk, walk!

Enquire about Health Breaks 2022

Inspiring people to take a short break each day for their mental and physical health and wellbeing.