
Brain Breaks: Calm Breaks

$1,350.00 $750.00

3 month’s access to 5-min Pods for stress relief and mental wellbeing.

The program includes a Playslist of multi-media Pods including videos, infographs, fliers, image galleries, fact sheets, activity sheets and surveys. The 12-week program includes the topics:

  1. What is stress and how to manage stress
  2. Happiness and Positivity Exercises x 4
  3. Breathing and Meditation Exercises x 10
  4. Gratitude and Mindfulness Activities x 2
  5. Empathy and Kindness Activities x 2
  6. Expressing Your Emotions and Talking About Stress

Sale price of $250/month for 3 months for Schools and Workplaces

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Brain breaks and mindfulness practices can positively impact our emotional states and work performance. Promote the mental health of your workplace with daily Brain Breaks.

Includes 2-5-min deep breathing and meditation Pods perfect for building mindfulness and self-awareness.

Learn strategies for coping with and reducing stress in daily life.

Comes with 3 month access to Health Breaks App.