Employee Wellbeing Hub News
February 2024

On the Hub this month – A Positive Start!

Welcome to the February edition of Health Breaks News 2024

Here is your chance to set and smash your health and fitness goals for 2024!

Commencing in the first week of March, our team step challenge will keep you on track for a great start. This month, get together with your team of up to 4, choose a cool or funny team name and register by sending your team details to HS&W  at HSandW@sro.vic.gov.au.

Details you need to provide include:

  1. Team Name
  2. Team Captain
  3. Names of Team members (with email addresses)

 From the 4th of March, you will login to the Step Challenge Playlist each day for your daily Health Break, and upload your achievements for the day.

Your challenge is to stretch yourself by setting yourself a goal that you know you can achieve if you set your mind to it. Here’s the full list of challenges:
1. Complete 10.000 steps a day.
2. Sleep for 6-8 hours a day.
3. Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
4. Complete 30 mins of exercise (count this as 5,000 steps).
5. Eat 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables (this is the national recommendation!).
But you must track your activity each day on the tracker on Health Breaks App.

Register your team now!


Recipe of the month