Employee Wellbeing Hub News
November 23

On the Hub this month – Hydrate!

Welcome to another edition of Health Breaks News 2023

With Summer upon us this week, things are bound to keep heating up for the next few months (we hope!). So, it makes good sense to focus on the season and what this means for our health.

Our focus this time is on hydration. With warmer weather we tend to lose more water fulfilling our daily routine. Warmer temperatures mean our bodies work harder to regulate our body temperature. This occurs through an increase in perspiration and evaporation or moisture in the air we exhale, further enhanced by our increased outdoor activity time during warmer weather.

Whilst the general guideline is to aim for 8 glasses of water a day, or between 1.5 to 2 litres, there are some simple ways to make this easily achievable. Here is our list of tips:

  1. Fill a large glass with water each night and leave on your bedside table. When your alarm goes off in the morning, drink the full glass.
  2. Consume a glass of water with each meal during the day.
  3. Keep a glass on your desk and fill it with water every 1-2 hours. This gets you up out of your seat on a regular basis through the day, which is an added bonus.
  4. Replace a coffee with a warm herbal tea at least once a day.
  5. Add cucumber and mint leaves to a jug of water for a fresh flavour sensation.
  6. If going out for cocktails, alternate between alcohol and water throughout the occasion.

Also, not forgetting that many fruits and vegetables contain a high amount of water content, so enjoy a hearty intake of seasonal berries, stone fruits, melons, cucumbers, celery and lettuces.

In the meantime, here are some healthy breaks we have curated for you!

Express Stretches for Tension Relief

Choose one of these for a daily burst of health.

Recipe of the month