Feeling burnout when working from home is becoming commonplace
Feeling a bit flat or worn out lately? There’s good reason. The move to remote and blended working has blurred the lines between work and life more than ever!
While burnout is not an officially recognised mental disorder, it is defined by the World Health Organisation’s as ‘a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed’.
Reasons why many more people than usual are experiencing burnout this year include:
“taking time out for yourself is vital ”
Whilst taking an official break from work has meant travelling to exotic, overseas or interstate destinations, this has not been an option for most over the past year. As a consequence, people have taken less leave as they don’t see the point. However, taking a break can mean staying at home. A simple change of routine or a slight shift in scenery will be enough to ‘break the burnout circuit’. Time set aside to prioritise your own wellbeing with some positive and proactive self-care activities, whether during a prolonged break or on a daily basis is crucial.
With this aim in mind, Health Breaks takes on a preventative approach to burnout. We encourage people to take short breaks daily to relieve the body and mind from tension and avoid chronic fatigue and stress.
Here are some of our short activities for healthy breaks for you to try.
Burnout can develop into chronic stress if not managed well. There’s no doubt that the year ahead will continue to bring more change and challenges for workplaces to work through. Taking preventative measures to ensure employees are supported in their wellbeing will be vital for business success.
Find out more about Health Breaks’ preventative employee health solutions for diverse workplaces at www.healthbreaks.com.au
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Health Breaks encourages individuals and workplaces to take a short break each day to do something positive for your health!