Healthy Schools
Hub News

Health Breaks healthy schools hub is full of resources and tools for teachers to support the health and wellbeing of their students.

Healthy Schools 2022

Welcome back to Health Breaks for 2022
We have some exciting things for you to enjoy with your students during their brain breaks and we have created some tools for teachers to make health and wellbeing easy for everyone to access and share with the school community.
Along with the Health Breaks App, we also have the Healthy Schools Hub and the School’s Health Promotion Kit – see more details below!

Name our Champs!
Our logo now features our ‘health champs’. We want to name our male and female champs so please ask your students for their suggestions and 
send through here!

Healthy Schools Hub

This is the teacher’s gateway to the full Health Breaks app. Teachers can browse here and read the Healthy Schools newsletter and explore the featured Pods (2-5min movement and breathing breaks). We also highlight a range of health promotion messages and we will soon be streaming Live Health Breaks from the hub…..take a look and we will keep you posted on more.
Go to:  and use the password: WellSchool2022

If you want a quick and easy way to improve the health and wellbeing of your class then the School Health Promotion Kit is a great place to start.

This kit of 90+ resources is presented in 4 key sections: Body, Mind, Food and General Health. We recommend you focus on one message per month – why not inspire your class the get more active this month with some of the exercise fliers in the body section? Download your Kit by scanning the QR code in the image.



Your Health and Wellbeing Calendar

Each month we place the spotlight on a focus area of student and teacher health and wellbeing. Our calendar highlights health messages and links to Pods on Health Breaks app. Scan the QR code above to download your copy

Coming in March

Health Champs in schools will be guided by the Colours Program throughout March.

The focus is “fitness through fun” during 2022 and our first theme features school’s house colours: Red, Gold, Green and Blue.

The Colour Spinner on Health Breaks App will keep the action fun with activities for fitness, strength, balance, flexibility, teamwork, and confidence building.

Our Super Health Champs can visit schools to run their student sport or wellbeing captains through the program and what’s involved. Our Super Champs help your student leaders to inspire their peers to be active during break times and in the school yard.

This program comes with the Premium Health Breaks membership and provides great structure to the brain breaks program.

Book your Super Health Champ or discuss memberships with us at 

Enquire about Health Breaks @ Schools 2022

Inspiring people to take a healthy brain break daily for their mental and physical health and wellbeing.