Healthy Active Schools Premium Package

Our Premium Healthy Schools Program includes teacher access to Health Breaks app for Active and Calm brain breaks plus the full Leadership Program and training for School Health Champs.


Calm Breaks for mental wellbeing: breathing, meditation, positivity and mindfulness breaks.

  1. Active Breaks for healthy bodies: stretching routines, strength and core, yoga and balance, and fitness routines.
  2. Health Champs Program: Leadership Program for Student Peer Health Champions

Comes with 12 month access to Health Breaks App.



Active & Calm Brain Breaks Plus Health Champ Leadership Program

Our Premium Healthy Schools Program includes teacher access to Health Breaks app for Active and Calm brain breaks plus the full Leadership Program and training for School Health Champs.


Calm Breaks for mental wellbeing:

Brain Breaks help teachers lead breathing and positive wellbeing breaks to help students refocus, build self-awareness and improve concentration.

Our Calm Breaks Playlist guides 2-5min mood-boosting breathing, positivity and meditation breaks, specifically designed for student wellbeing.

Active Breaks for healthy bodies:

Active Breaks include stretch routines, fitness workouts, fun activity spinners and strength routines. These are a fantastic tool for boosting positive energy, building fitness and reducing sedentary time whilst at school.

Includes age appropriate Playlists for under 10 years and one for over 10 years.

Health Champs Program: Leadership Program for Student Peer Health Champions


A leadership program for peer champions of health in schools. Health Champs inspire their peers to take a short break every day to do something positive for their mind & body.

Health Champs will participate in 3 workshops learning leadership skills for health and wellbeing.

Health Champs will lead by example by encouraging their peers to take active or calm brain breaks each day. They will also assist with promoting school-wide lifestyle healthy behaviours using the Healthy Schools Calendar and Health Breaks resource kit and online platform.

Comes with 12 month access to Health Breaks App.